Japanese Karate Terms

In all our training, we use a lot of Japanese karate terms together with the English translation. Everyone becomes familiar with the terms very quickly, so there’s a common understanding when training with different instructors.

Here’s an A-Z list of the more commonly used ones:

  • Age zuki Rising punch to head

    Age uke Rising block to head

    Aka Red

    Aka no kachi Victory for Red

    Ashi Foot/leg

    Ashi barai Foot Sweep

  • Bassai uke Block (first block in Bassai Dai)

    Bassai-Dai Kata means to penetrate a large fortress

    Bassai-Sho Kata means to penetrate a (small) fortress

    Bunkai: Formal application of kata technique

  • Chinte Kata Meaning rare hand

    Choku zuki Punch (straight)

    Chudan Middle part of the body (eg stomach)

  • Dachi Stance

    Dan Senior black belt grades starting with Shodan

    Deshi Student

    Do Way

    Dojo School or training hall

  • Empi Kata Meaning flying swallow

    Empi Elbow

    Empi uchi Elbow strike

  • Fudo dachi Stance (diagonally placed feet)

    Fumidashi Step forward

    Fuse haito uchi Strike with turndown ridge of hand

    Fuse shuto uchi Strike with turndown sword/knife hand

  • Gankaku Kata Meaning crane on a rock

    Gedan Lower part of the body (eg groin)

    Gedan barai Downward block

    Gedan kake uke Downward hooking block

    Gedan nagashi uke downward-sweeping block

    Gi Uniform (eg karate suit)

    Go Number five

    Go ju Number fifty

    Goju Sho Ho Dai Kata means fifty-four (big) steps

    Goju Sho Ho Sho Kata means fifty-four (small) steps

    Goshin Self-defence

    Gyaku hanmi Body position with upper body and legs facing opposite ways

    Gyaku mawashi geri Reverse roundhouse kick

    Gyaku zuki Reverse punch

  • Hachi Number eight

    Haishu Back of hand

    Haishu haito uchi Back of hand rising strike

    Haishu uchi Back of hand strike

    Haishu uke Back of hand block

    Haisoku ashi barai Foot sweep with the instep

    Haito Ridge of hand

    Haito uchi Ridge of hand strike

    Haito uke Ridge of hand block

    Haiwan nagashi uke Back of forearm sweeping block as used in Tekki Katas

    Hajime Begin/start

    Hana Nose

    Hangetsu Kata meaning half-moon

    Hanmi Body position (hips are at 45 degree angle)

    Hasami uchi Strike (scissors)

    Hasami uke Block (scissors)

    Hasami zuki Punch (scissors – fists converging, facing each other)

    Heian Katas Series of five (peaceful mind) katas

    Hidari Left

    Hira haito uchi Strike (flat ridge of hand)

    Hira shuto uchi Strike (flat turndown sword/knife)

    Hirate barai Block (flat hand) sweep

    Hirate nagashi uke Block (flowing flat hand)

    Hitai Forehead

    Hiza Knee

    Hyaku One hundred

  • Ichi Number one

    Ippon Score (full point)

  • Jion Kata Meaning love and goodness

    Jitte Kata Meaning ten hands

    Jiyu gamae Guard up (freestyle position)

    Jiyu ippon kumite One attack sparring

    Jiyu kumite Free style sparring

    Jo zukami Grasp (eg a cane)

    Jodan Face level

    Jodan shuto juji uchi Upper level crossed wrist strike

    Jôgai Warning: out of match area

    Ju Number ten

    Ju ichi Number eleven

    Ju ni Number twelve

    Juji uke Crossed arms block

  • Kagi zuki Hook punch

    Kakato Heel

    Kake uke Hook block

    Kanku Dai Kata Meaning to view the heavens (big)

    Kanku Sho Kata Meaning to view the (small)

    Keage Snap kick

    Kekomi Thrust kick

    Ken Fist

    Kiai Spirited yell

    Kiba dachi Straddle / horse riding stance

    Kihon gohon kumite Basic five step sparring

    Kihon ippon kumite Basic one step sparring

    Kihon sanbon kumite Basic three step sparring

    Kime Focus

    Kizami gyaku zuki Reverse punch (reverse leading hand)

    Kizami mae geri Forward kick (leading-leg)

    Kizami mawashi geri Roundhouse kick (leading-leg)

    Kizami zuki Leading-hand punch

    Koko Tiger mouth block

    Kokutsu dachi Back stance

    Kosa uke Crossing block (simultaneous uchi uke and gedan barai)

    Koshi Hips / waist

    Koshi kamae Fists to hips

    Ku Number nine

    Kumite Sparring

    Kyu Rank / grade (student level)

  • Mae geri Front kick

    Mae geri keage Snap kick (from the front)

    Mae geri kekomi Thrust kick (from the front)

    Makiwara Punching board / post

    Mawashi empi uchi Roundhouse elbow strike

    Mawashi geri Roundhouse kick

    Migi Right

    Mikazuki geri Crescent kick

    Mokuso Meditation

    Mokuso yame End of meditation

    Morote uke Augmented forearm block

    Moto no ichi Back to the original position

  • Nagashi uke Sweeping / flowing block

    Neko ashi dachi Cat stance

    Ni Number two

    Ni ju Number twenty

    Nidan tobi geri Double (jump) kick

    Nihon ren zuki Two consecutive punches

    Niren geri Double kick

    Nukite Spear hand

  • Obi Belt

    Oi zuki Stepping punch

    Oss I understand or I follow (also used to show respect as you bow and enter the dojo)

    Otagai ni rei Bow to one another (usually in class)

    Otoshi Downward

    Otoshi empi uchi Downward elbow strike

    Otoshi uchi Dropping strike

    Otoshi uke Dropping fist block with horizontal elbow

    Otoshi zuki Dropping punch

  • Rei Bow

    Ren geri Kick alternate legs

    Ren zuki Punch alternate fists

    Roku Number six

    Ryo ken ryo koshi gamae Both fists at both hips

    Ryo yoko gedan barai gamae double-sided lower level block

    Ryoken juji uke Double fisted ‘X’ block

  • San Number three

    San ju Number thirty

    Sanbon ren zuki Three consecutive punches

    Sanbon zuki Triple punch

    Sanchin dachi Hourglass stance

    Sasae uchi uke Supported block (first move in Bassai Dai kata

    Sasae uraken gamae Elbow supported by back of fist of other hand

    Seiza Formal upright kneeling position

    Sen Number one thousand

    Sensei Instructor / master (someone who shows the way)

    Sensei ni rei Bow to the instructor

    Shi / Yon Number four

    Shichi / Nana Number seven

    Shihan Master instructor (6th Dan or higher)

    Shiro White

    Shiro no kachi Victory for white

    Shizentai Natural position

    Sho Palm

    Shomen ni rei Bow to the front of the dojo

    Shuto uchi Sword / knife hand strike

    Shuto uke Sword / knife hand block

    Shutsui Hammer hand

    Sochin Kata Meaning strength and calm

    Sochin dachi Straddle leg stance (diagonal feet)

    Soto ude uke Outside of forearm block

    Sukui uke Scooping block

    Suri ashi Gliding step

  • Tameshiwari Breaking of wood / tiles, etc

    Tate empi uchi Vertical elbow strike

    Tate zuki Vertical punch

    Te Hand

    Te nagashi uke Flowing hand block

    Teisho age uke Lower palm heel rising block

    Teisho uke Lower palm heel block

    Teisho zuki Palm heel punch

    Tekki Sho-Dan, Ni-Dan & San-Dan Kata Iron Knight series I, II & III

    Tekubi Wrist

    Tettsui Hammer fist

    Tsukami uke Grasping block

    Tsukami Yose Grasping and pulling (as in Bassai-Dai / Sho Katas)

    Tsuki te Punching hand

    Tsuru ashi dachi Crane foot stance

  • Uke Block

    Unsu Kata Meaning hands in the clouds

    Ura mawashi geri Reverse roundhouse kick

    Uraken uchi Back fist strike

    Ushiro geri Back kick

  • Waki Side

    Wankan Kata Meaning king and crown

    Waza ari Score (almost a full point)

  • Yame Finish / stop

    Yasume Relax and bow

    Yoi Ready / attention

    Yoko empi uchi Sideways elbow strike

    Yoko gamae Sideways guard up

    Yoko geri keage Side snap kick

    Yoko geri kekomi Side thrust kick

    Yoko uraken uchi Side back fist strike

    Yon ju Number forty

  • Zanshin Awareness

    Zen Meditation / life philosophy

    Zenkutsu dachi Front stance