Upcoming events.

Spring Camp in Alberta

It is our pleasure to invite you to attend our Spring Camp on April 5 and 6 in Calgary with Sharp Sensei, 7th Dan JKA.  Sharp Sensei will be teaching on Friday evening and Saturday.

Sharp Sensei is a JKA A-level Instructor, JKA A-level Judge, and JKA B-level Examiner with special rights up to Sandan. He has trained in Japan for 2 years under Sakurai Sensei, 7th Dan JKA.  He entered many national and international tournaments.  In 1996, in Osaka, Japan, he won the title of JKA World Champion (Gold Medal) in Kumite. 

Sharp Sensei has taught/teaches seminars in Montreal, Toronto, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary, Germany, and Australia.

 During the seminar, we will cover Kihon, Kata, and a variety of Kumite training skills.  If you are a Karate Alberta member in Shotokan or a Shotokan practitioner from another group, we believe that the additional training in this seminar should improve your Kihon, Kata and Kumite.  Sharp Sensei was a BC coach for 2 years. 

Calgary Japanese Festival, “Omatsuri”

Calgary Japanese Festival, “Omatsuri”

We are pleased to share that Omatsuri 2023’s entertainment stage will be filled with an amazing lineup of local musicians, dancers, and martial artists from Calgary, Lethbridge, and Edmonton! We are very excited for the JKA Karate-Do Empow-Lil Academy's participation.

Performance Details:
Group Name: JKA Karate-Do Empow-Lil Academy  
# of Participants/Performers: 20
Where: Outdoor Main Stage
Length of Performance: 20 minutes
Performance Time: 10:25 AM (please check in at the desk beside the main stage 20 minutes before your performance time.)

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